What is God's Name in Arabic? Allah? El Elyon? Arab saints call God Allah, but some are calling Him Al Rub or Yeshua. Muslim Sheiks, Imams, and Mullahs are
filled with Sacred Rage as the Truth about Islam and its pagan Allah is getting out.
is he? |
ISA or ISHA in Hebrew:'ishah "woman, wife" is used as either the equivalent of the English "woman" or "wife" (Am 7:17), like 'ish "man, husband" it can have the sense of "each one", as it is often felt to be used in Am 4:3. It is also used for "virgin." ISHA In Hindi:Isha is a boy's name and means, "one who protects." This gives us a clue that Mohammed very likely got his name for Jesus from the east, NOT from the Jews and the Bible. Mohammed got "Akbar" from Syria, which means "mouse" and was the mouse god of Syria. Mohammed got "Rahman," which is NOT an Arabic word, from the Upanshads who worshipped the Brahman, the root of Rahman. Arabic form of the Hebrew:No fool could miss the point here, and no Muslim dare say, after reading this box, that he respects Jesus Christ as Mohammed defined him: A'isha fem.-- Ayesha (Anglicised) Popular Arabic feminine name from the feminine form a'isha - "alive and well" - of 'asha - "to live". It is given most often in honour of the third and beloved wife of Muhammad, A'isha bint-Abi-Bakr (c.613-678), who he married, when she was only nine years old. Proud, strong, and easily envious, she vehemently opposed one of Muhammad's successors, 'Ali ibn-Abi-Talib, but after leading the rebels herself she was defeated and spent the rest of her life in pious religious practice. Source In Arabic, Isha means "nightfall," and is the name of prayers said at that time. This in no way clears the issue at all, for many Arab tribes mix and confuse "s" and "sh," which means that the old forms in Hebrew and the Middle East prevail over the 650 usage of Mohammed. CONCLUSION: Either Jesus Christ is a woman, or Mohammed was a blithering idiot. There is NO alternative third choice. If you are a Muslim reader, that puts you in a very difficult place, for you cannot bless a woman named Isha and believe she was, in fact, a man and prophet. Why do you delay in coming to the Jesus Christ of the Bible? |
I have chosen Yitha, a name for Jesus used by southern Arabian Christians shortly after the time of the Apostle Paul. But, the name Ishi would also be just as appropriate. In any case, Isa is a foreign mongrel name having nothing to do with Jesus Christ. Indeed, it turns up in the early forms of Hinduism in the name of the Isa Upanishads who got the pagan name Isa from the Euphrates Valley where it predated Jesus Christ by centuries.
To the above facts add this story. The pre-Islamic Arabs had a tradition that a god and goddess named Isaf and Na`ila were in the Kaaba at one time. They tried to have intercourse in the Kaaba, and the gods of heaven turned them to stone. From then on the Arabs offered sacrifices to them. Note their names please:
Isaf clearly is an alternate derivation of Isa of Islam and the Koran, and Na`ila is clearly a LIL / IL derivative from Babylon and of the same heritage as Allah. This is a pretty nasty heritage for Isa, so you can see why I strongly suggest that Isa cannot be used for Jesus in Arabic. Mohammed had no discernment in choosing god names because he had no light from Elohim. (FOOTNOTE 122: 60 / 299 / 486; 2 / 86 / 2027; 114 / 192-3 / 1634; 194 / 46 / 709-- Isaf reference. ) We will discuss Isa more completely later.
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Elohim, or El-Elyon, is merciful, but he also says to you through the Apostle James in the Bible:
The Bible, James 4:17, Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
Before you opened this book, God's mercy applied to you. He never chastens us as much as we deserve, but now you have no excuse. You must repent of the sin of calling God "Allah," and pray to Him to cleanse your lips of this blasphemy. When you are reading the Bible in Arabic (please use the old Van Dyke Arabic Bible) simply speak the holy Name, Elohim or El-Elyon, whenever you come to the word Allah. God will understand. Another alternative is Al Rub, The Lord.
To my Arab Christian friend I ask, what is your priority, to please God, or to sustain your cultural heritage? The Arabs once knew Elohim in the days of Ishmael their father. Will you stubbornly cling to the name Allah because of what your friends may say about you? Of course some will accuse you of being a traitor. They also persecuted Jesus Christ you know.
The Pharisees even insinuated that he was a bastard as do many of the Mullahs like Ahmed Deedat. Tell me, have they spit on you and pulled out your beard yet? Have they crucified you? What will you give up to be holy and clean? Will you maybe give up the pagan name, Allah?
This is no small matter, and I feel a sense of awe that I should be asked by God to challenge Arab Christians, as well as Muslims, with such a matter. But holiness will not wait, for it is God who said,
The Bible, I Peter 1:16, Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
May you find peace in your soul as you find holiness take over your tongue to the glory of God our Father and The Lord Jesus Christ.
Here is help for the Christian Arab. You share a name for God with your brethren, the Jewish Christians. Here is the text:
The Bible, Romans 8:15, For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, ABBA, Father.
If you are frustrated with the Name El-Elyon, then cry out ABBA whenever you get to the name, Allah, in your Bible reading. Cry out, ABBA, Father when you pray. Abate is the Habashia word from South Arabia in the homeland of the Ethiopians.
You will soon find that your loving Father in heaven will give you deliverance. It may be that you will have to stand against demons, who love the name Allah. Do so at once, pleading the precious Blood of Jesus Christ over you, and declare out loud your zeal for the true Name of God, El-Elyon, ABBA, or Elohim.
It may also be that, as you cry out, ABBA, you will, for the first time, find that tender personal relationship with our dear
Father which Allah cannot bring. I truly believe that God has withheld some measure of blessing from the Arab Church worldwide because they are calling Him this blasphemous name. In the 1920s there was great power in the churches in the Arab world. Missionaries and Arab Christians were coming to see that Allah was not the God of the Bible, but they stopped short of putting Allah in his proper place by cleansing the Arab churches.
Some will say that words are not important, it is the sincerety of the heart which counts. This is ancient Greek Hellenistc pagan thought which claims that sensation is the priority, not The Word. Jesus has spoken to this evil logic of letting feeling and sincerity prevail over speech:
The Bible, Matthew 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak,
they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
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Today Arab church assemblies seem to struggle a lot, and local assemblies and Arab pastors behave like Bedouin clans, clamoring for power. So, don't be surprised if your obedience in casting away this vulgar Allah results in greater power to witness, power in pray, peace in fellowship, and authority in teaching the Word. Bible, The Bible, Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. May God give you the wisdom and zeal to act upon the truth.
Also, I challenge some Arab saint, who has the resources, to see that the Van Dyke Bible is reprinted with Allah changed to a holy Semitic name such as Elohim or El-Elyon. For an Arab Christian, there could be no higher calling in the end of this Church Age, than to exalt God in the tongue of Ishmael. Ishmael means "Elohim hears." So shouldn't Ishmael, in the year 2000, hear "El-Elyon" and read his name in the lofty script of the Arabian desert? Where are you, you who will obey this challenge?
We close this chapter with a call to prayer-- a call to the Muslim reader to turn from Allah, and pray to the God of Abraham for His salvation. You have never known a loving Father of the Word of Gog in Allah. God the Father of the Bible is not a physical Father. Rather; He is a spiritual Father who loves all men, and He provided a way for you to be His child by adoption. Jesus said that you could come to be the child of Elohim, El-Elyon, The Most High God, by faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Here is the Spirit of God who calls you to prayer and repentance:
The Bible, Matthew 11:28-30, Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
The Bible, John 10:27-30, (Jesus said) My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one.
The Bible, John 6:37-39, (Again Jesus speaks) All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
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Allah is a cruel and far-away god who exists only in myth. You have no idea where you stand with him. Even you Mullahs and Sheiks, where is your hope? I watched Ahmed Deedat debate with a Christian minister. Ahmed used deceit and trickery, and he was very clever indeed, but he could not do one thing. He could not give comfort and assurance to anyone from Allah. You cannot be certain of anything. Yet you are intensely loved by Elohim, the God of the Bible. He has provided for your salvation, for your future.
I will also be happy to receive a call from any Muslim who wants help to escape from Islam. You too will struggle against demons, or jinn. They are fallen angels who serve Satan, and they want you under the bondage of Allah. But God, who created them, is greater than these demons, especially the demon named Allah. The God of the Bible, El-Elyon, will deliver you from the grip of jinn and Allah.
You will be abandoned by your Muslim friends, and in some countries you will be marked for death. The price is high to be holy and clean, but God will reward you with peace in your soul like you have never had. I have many friends who will fast and pray for you if you will Send E-Mail to me, or write me by mail at my address given at the beginning of this book. I will not tell anyone your identity if you wish to remain unknown to Mullahs and other Muslims.
Now, I hear some Muslim, perhaps a Mullah, saying, "Jesus and Elohim are very good for you, but I believe that Mohammed is the latest and best prophet. I will follow his teachings." Part Four of this book is dedicated to you. Read on please.
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Note: Added, October, 1998
There are millions of Muslims around the world who just wish they could live out their lives in peace. They have no strong feelings one way or the other for Islam, and they only go to the mosque to keep the Mullahs from troubling them. The specter of Jihad is grotesque to them, and fanaticism is repugnant. I would not want to cast these secularized muslims in the same light as the raging prophet Mohammed, Osama Bin Laden, and the Ayatollahs of Iran. Nor should all Muslims be asked to answer for the raping mobs in Indonesia.
So, what is it about Allah that captures the imagination of so many people, whether they are fanatic rapists in the name of Allah, whether they are wanna-be Muslims in the Black Ghettos of the USA, in US Federal prisons, or, on the other extreme, whether they are secularized and very peace loving? Why does Allah seem to satisfy all Muslims, both peace loving or terroristl?
When Mohammed cleansed the Kaaba of Mecca, he was a man with presuppositions. Mohammed clearly saw himself as another prophet in the order of Moses and Jesus. He longed to be exalted by both Jew and Christian. Had the Jews in Medina continued to exalt him, the Qibla today would no doubt still be Jerusalem, and the Mosque of Omar might well be the seat of Islam rather than Mecca. Mohammed clearly had a deep regard for Moses, Abraham, and Jesus (though only as a human prophet).
So, why did Mohammed turn to Allah when he was looking for a god to exalt? Answer: Jehovah was NOT in Mecca and the Kaaba in any form. The nearest thing was in the form of paintings on the inside walls of the Kaaba which depicted Mary and the baby Jesus. Mohammed was a deeply committed monotheist. This would not do. And, we must give him credit for standing against polytheism of the Arab pagans around him, for he trashed their whole pantheon, albeit with some temporary diplomacy toward Allat, Al Uzza, and Manat.
But, of all the major religions which have tried to displace Jehovah God and His Savior, Jesus Christ, Islam has done the best job of counterfeiting. Mohammed rejected even pictorial representations of Allah, which we cannot say for Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Church. In this, Mohammed is indeed more "Orthodox" than the Orthodox Church who insist on worshipping icons and images.
Mohammed tried to stay humble in spite of his guruistic absolute power over Islam. Even today, many Mullahs will try to keep an ordinary image in Islamic public gatherings. And, Mohammed, for the most part, passed on a double hierarchy in which the King or Sultan ruled supreme as long as he stayed orthodox. That is, the Imams and Mullahs were not to rule the nations. The Gringo White man named the Ayatholla of Iran was 100% profane and hybrid in is dominance of Iran. This is because of the Aryan White nature in the Iranian elite Mullahs. They ARE NOT classically Middle Eastern, and they are NOT typical of the historic flow of Islam. Nor is Saddam Hussein for that matter. He is closer to the Jews in temperament, since he is a more direct descendent of Shem.
So, though Allah is clearly the WRONG monotheistic god, nevertheless; Allah is now a rare bird indeed. He has none of his original matrimonial heritage (with Allat), and he stands alone with no mediators even as the Roman Church has hatched. Allah appeals to many people in the world for two reason:
1. It is very nice to deal with just one deity.
This would appeal even to a Roman Catholic who is tired of all the saints and Mary worship and Pope veneration. It also appeals to a Hindu who is tired of the impotent fat elephant headed monsters of India-- and 400 million other gods. It appeals to the African who wants the civilization of the outside world, but he does not want to submit to the holiness of Jesus Christ.2. Allah demands very little.
There are the five pillars, which are mostly physical exercise and alms giving, and that is it. How nice of one lone god to demand so little. Pray five times a day also-- but even this is waived by the Mullahs if the Muslim at least shows for prayer on Friday afternoon. There is no karma to work off as in Hinduism. There is no total surrender to Jesus Christ who enters the life and changes all things from dark to light. There are not roseries, novinas, Masses, Purgatory, scapulas, and stations of the cross as in Catholic works salvation. The Muslim can go right on living like a devil, and Allah has no pillar in the system which the wicked Muslim is violating. This is why criminals in Federal prisons in the USA find Islam so appealing. They can submit to Allah, do the five pillars, finish their prison term, and go out into the world one day and continue their criminal life.
So, we see that Mohammed made the fatal blunder of looking for Jehovah God, finding Him, rejecting Him, and then erecting his own model of a monotheistic god in place of Jehovah. This is nothing new. Joseph Smith of Mormonism did the same thing. So, did Charles Taz Russell of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Even Fundamental Baptists come close to this as they exalt men like Jack Hyles. I have E-Mail which tells me that Jack Hyles is the greatest man on earth, Hyles is the personification of all Jesus taught, etc, etc. When men cannot stand to submit to the Holy God of the Bible and His Son, Jesus Christ, they go wandering about until they have found, or manufactured, a god which reminds them of Jehovah, but this god demands no holiness.
This was the sad story of one Mohammed in Mecca, circa 625 AD. He went out to a cave out of the city, and Mohammed fabricated his own god and took a patent out on him. His name is Allah.
Muslims do not want the name Allah used by Christians in Malaysia
There IS an ongoing debate between professing Christians over the name Allah