Who is he?
Where did he come from?
Is he the God of the Bible?



Any wise enemy is better than an ignorant friend.


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The story of Ishmael

The Bible and the future of the Arabs?

Meet Muhammed in the Hadith

Is Allah in the Bible?

Who is God?

Allah's original name

The journey of Allah from
Babylon to Mecca

What is the name of the God of the Bible in Arabic?

Al Injil-- The Good News


Primal god of the Middle East


We will now discuss the derivation process of the god's name from the beginning. We might have waited until the end for this revelation, but it seemed good to me to let you in on the plot so that you can follow the Hajj (pilgrimage) of Allah better.

Semitic forms for the biblical EL never provided a feminine gender for god. Instead, where Jews were paganized in Babylon and elsewhere, they added a goddess with no linguistic connection to the name EL. Two examples are Shakhina and Lilith, the wife of Satan whom Cabalist Jews claim Elohim is now using.

The root form of the name of the earth god in Sumer is found in Enlil, the primal god. If we drop the gender prefixes from Enlil and his consort Ninlil, we are left with the root, "LIL." This is reduced later in many Middle Eastern cultures to "IL." Some "scholars" have tried to say that IL is EL, but the root form of IL is LIL, so this notion just won't work. Of course these "scholars" have no respect for the Bible unless it supports their presuppositions. The system of putting prefixes before the god names was used in the Hamite cultures like Sumer. After the god / goddess moved on to Semitic cultures such as Assyria and Semitic Babylon, a genderizing suffix was attached after the "LIL" or "IL" root.

When examining the LIL root of deity, the meaning is thought to be that of AIR. This is the spirit of the god, and in Sumer, EnLIL was the high god, or the ruling spirit. Thus the "En" prefix means "Lord" and the "Nin" prefix on LIL means "Lady." Enlil and Ninlil ruled the earth and heavens, which is traditionally where the AIR spirit would operate. More can be read on this from an article we salvaged from oblivion on the Web. A very interesting attempt has been made to try to make Allah the descendent of Elohim by a Mullah who is answering another writer. The Mullah claims that LIL is not the word for "god" but for storm. This is a typical diversion tactic and lie by the Mullahs. Storms are made of air, air is the essence of the god in almost all cultures, and spirit is air to all pagans. The Mullah may find his trick convincing to himself, but the epigraphologists know very well that EnLIL is the Lord spirit of Sumer, and LIL is the root word for many subsequent gods in the LIL heritage.

You MUST click on the LIL chart to see the evolution of Enlil to Allah and Allat:  HERE

Page 114


Before we talk about inscriptions, let me tell you where they were found. The vast bulk of inscriptions are from the cuneiform clay tablets unearthed from the ancient city sites. But, there are many thousands of epigraphic inscriptions which were carved in stone at all of the oases of the Middle East and on stones along the trade routes. Most of these were imprecations begging the gods for protection from danger, and others were prayers to the gods for success with health cures and to win the heart of a lover. The thing most helpful in these inscriptions is that all prayers were addressed to the gods. I never read of a message or warning, as would be expected in the Anglo-Saxon cultures. Keep these thoughts in mind as the story unfolds. It is these inscriptions which prove to us that Allah was the god of choice to pray to all along the trade routes from Nippur to Mecca. This will be proven in detail in a following chapter. This is what I have called "The Hajj of Allah," for we can follow in the footprints of Allah with virtually no debate from the Mullahs unless they blow up all the stones between Babylon to Mecca.

Back to the discussion of the god name, LIL.

It is very startling to find the frequent coincidence of ancient Sumerian god names concurrently inscribed in the same epigraphs with much more recent god names. One such occurance is in an inscription in stone from Al-Ula in Northern Arabia, circa 500 BC, just 1000 years before Mohammed. In the same Semitic language dialect, and in the same time frame, are two names of the gods- Mar-Allah, meaning Lord-god (Allah being contracted from Al'ilah), and Adar'IL, an ancient Sardonic contraction using the root form of the name for god from Sumer, LIL. This shows that the basic IL or LIL root form survived for 2500 years, appearing in both names in ancient and recent forms!

In Jawf, in the same area and time frame, the feminine form for Allah is found commonly as in Ham'illat (ILAT is the goddess). Also, in inscriptions near oases, Allah and Allat (sometimes ILAT) appear with no descriptive attachments, either in appeals for help in travel, or as part of the signature of the suppliant (like Abdallah-- IL root in name!). What does this mean? This means that Allah, alias IL, shared the reverence of the ancient Sumerians, circa 3000 BC, and the northern Arab tribes in 500 BC. Survival time-- 2500 years. (FOOTNOTE 56:  172 / 79,126-127 / 245,253b Winnett has done some of the best and most recent work in inscription interpretation.)

This is not a pretty sight to the Muslim reader because it clearly shows that Allah descended from the original pagan god, Enlil, after the tower of Babel. The reason we can be sure of the connection between Babel (or Sumer) and Mecca is that Enlil, whose LIL root name would not go away, survived for 2500 years to be included in Northern Arabia in the Kaaba.

Mohammed cleansed the Kaaba of 360 pagan idols and gods, but he retained the resident god of choice, Al-ILAH, or Allah. If he was extending the heritage of EL or Elohim into the world, as he claimed he was, then why didn't Mohammed use one of the clearly biblical names extant in the Bible AND right there in Arabia? The report from Mohammed himself is that a picture of Mary and Jesus was painted on the inside of the Kaaba. Mohammed ignored this and opted for Allah. In fact, Allah and Elohim are mutually exclusive, so Allah is a pagan counterfeit. It is highly damning to Islam that Mohammed, having been exposed to Jehovah by Jews in Arabia, and having been introduced to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by his uncle Waraqa, ignored the paintings of Jesus and Mary in the Kaaba and opted for a Sumerian cast away god.

The other part of this picture, which must cause the Muslim reader to tremble, is this: Allah had a wife. Her name was Allat (contracted from Al'ilat), and she survived right up to the day of Mohammed, for she was the goddess of choice in Taif and one of Mohammed's "swans" of the "Satanic verses" in Al-Koran, Sura 53. Allat came along the trade routes with Allah not only in the inscriptions in stone. Allat and Allah came together, stayed in power with equal force for at least a thousand years in Mecca, and they were accepted by Mohammed. Allah was retained in the Kaaba, and Allat was brought into the Islamic pantheon in Sura 53. Her brief tenure as ruling goddess was damning proof that Islam is a pagan religion.

More on this in later chapters.



Here is a discussion of Allah and Allat which is brief but accurate--
Other things by the author are disclaimed:

The point is well taken that Islamic scholars claim that all history before 625 AD is "The Time of Ignorance," "jahiliyah," and is corrupted, including the whole Bible. The ironic thing is that the same Islamic scholars (?) will then study the Bible very diligently to try to plug Mohammed into this crevice and that cranny or prophecy to try to elbow in on Hebrew history. In the same way these Muslim fakirs will claim that Babylonian and Sumerian history is corrupted, and they mock at those of us who use the epigraphic evidences and cuneiform tablets to show the origin of the name Allah and other Islamic devices. But, they use the epigraphic evidences when it seems to work for them. This is the most dishonest form of perversion of truth possible. It shows how utterly frail and weak the argument is for Allah being the same as the God of the Bible.


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